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    July 31, 2024 | Posted by: Ashley Couch


    Why I Choose Health: Embracing the Unexpected in Health

    Ashley Couch, Associate Director, Programmatic

    At PHM, our roles and reasons for being here are many. We’ve asked people to answer a few questions, letting us know a few of the things that make them unique, what they like best about PHM and of course, why they’ve chosen health.

    What is the best thing about working at PHM?

    The best part about working at PHM is the friendships I have made along the way! I look forward to coming into the office and seeing not just my kind coworkers, but close friends and that is something I do not take for granted.

    If you could visit another PHM Office (Philly, NYC, CHI, LA) which would you like to visit most, and why?

    I have a special place in my heart for the NYC office, but I’d love to see Philly! I’ve never been to Philadelphia, and I’d love to experience the historic city and meet some familiar faces that I’ve been working with virtually.

    What strange food combination do you enjoy?

    Popcorn and Old Bay seasoning – definitely takes “savory” up a notch!

    How do you make health and wellness part of your life?

    Both physical and mental health are priorities for me. I’m a strong supporter of going to therapy which has helped me immensely in the past several years (shockingly a global pandemic isn’t good for mental wellbeing.) Additionally, I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with running. I’ve been able to run several Chicago races, big and small (and even with coworkers – shout out Monica Gerber!) that I look forward to every Spring and Fall.

    What non-work-related skill would you most like to learn?

     A pull up! It was my new year’s resolution…don’t ask how it’s going.

    If you could choose one superpower, what would you choose?

    Definitely teleportation! There are so many places I’d love to visit and being able to see my family instantly would be the best superpower I could ask for.

    Why did you choose health?

    Health chose me! Although I didn’t specifically seek out the healthcare industry, I was excited to challenge myself with a new and unfamiliar vertical. The healthcare nuances are no joke! Since I joined, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the launch of new products and see their initial media-driven scripts, which has been wild to see. Over the last year, I’ve been involved in various campaigns, including initiatives aimed at recruiting participants for clinical trials. This type of activation has been the most fulfilling, as it is amazing to see our work help people improve their health.

    Connect with Ashley on LinkedIn.

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